Vocdoni Guild Funding Proposal - 2023

Hello everyone,
I am glad to present to you the Vocdoni Guild Proposal for the Aragon DAO.


Vocdoni’s vision is to improve democratic health and promote participatory governance using decentralized and open-source technology. To achieve that, we are building a censorship-resistant, secure, and transparent voting protocol to facilitate decision-making for communities and organizations regardless of whether they are digital natives or traditional organizations. Moreover, under the light of recent events (e.g. Ooki DAO, Tornado cash), secure anonymous voting is becoming a critical DAO management property. Together with Aragon, we aspire to leverage our technology and offer a universal voting solution not only for DAOs, but the entire web3 space and traditional organizations (web2).

The existing voting protocol is developed on top of the Vochain, a public voting blockchain, as well as a set of tools that facilitate its usage such as an API, an SDK and a dApp. The technology has been used by more than 500 organizations permissionlessly, and by 40 companies and institutions, including FC Barcelona and city councils, as in-house custom projects developed. The protocol has provided them with a secure, transparent, easy-to-use and low-cost voting system.

Vocdoni is requesting $1,183,507.59 for a 9-month period to advance in the initiatives listed in this proposal, including:

  • enhancement of the Web3 protocol through anonymous, delegated voting and results with verifiable on-chain execution, as well as setting the building blocks for decentralizing the voting blockchain
  • make secure voting available to DAOs, building an anonymous verifiable offchain voting plugin for AragonOS and AragonApp (as per Aragon’s 2023 strategy)
  • creation of a Voting-as-a-service model, expanding Aragon’s umbrella brand and use cases to the entire web3 space and to traditional organizations and eventually bringing more Aragon DAO users (as per Aragon’s 2023 strategy)
Period 9 months (1st March 2023 - 30th November 2023)
Full-time Contributors 8
Part-time Contributors 1
Main outputs • Enhanced Web3 Protocol: Anonymous gasless voting with verifiable onchain execution and protocol decentralization
- • DAOs secure offchain Voting: Integration with AragonOS and AragonAPP
- • Voting-as-a-service: Commoditize Voting
Total Budget Requested $ 1,183,507.59(USD)
Impact 1. Provide technology for secure verifiable off-chain voting and make it available through AragonApp to serve DAOs
- 2. Expand Aragon use cases, focusing on bringing decentralized governance to traditional organizations (web2).


The Vocdoni project was founded in 2018 aiming to create a decentralized digital voting protocol. In 2020, adaping to the changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic by pivoting from a mobile app to a more accessible web app. The web app was used by the largest cultural association in Europe for its General Assembly and election, with a census of over 180,000 members.

In January 2021, the project was acquired by the Aragon Association and has continued to provide voting technology for both the web2 and web3 realms, the most outstanding being:

  • Develop and Mantain Aragon Voice, a DAO proposal voting platform.
  • Release of the new voting dApp for traditional organizations.
  • Implementation of 14Fruites project, a digital survey that allowed for the first time, holders of government-issued digital certificates to vote securely, on top of a decentralized infrastructure that we distributed across many external stakeholders, including universities and private organizations.
  • Carry out the first official and fully digital voting process organized by a public institution in Spain, the city council of Bellpuig.
  • Release an alpha version of anonymous voting

Additionally, in the past six months, the team has been working towards becoming a protocol-oriented company, focusing on developers and integrators as its target user. To achieve this and to drive adoption, we released a new API, SDK, and developer portal. At the same time, we improved our protocol by simplifying it and making it more robust, modular and composable (refactoring the census package, reducing dependencies from 3rd parties protocols (IPFS), adapted to the new Tendermint release and removing legacy code) and added anonymous voting capabilities to our dApp. Paving the way for the transition to an infrastructure and protocol player, we closed several partnerships and collaborations with international projects and integrators, including Orbis, Decidim and BLOOCK.

The strategy followed to this date, has positioned the project as an important player in the local market attracting high-profile Web2 clients such as the Barcelona Football Club, the Official College of Engineers of Catalunya, and city councils such as Bellpuig and Bisbal d’Empordà. Those projects helped us gain press attention, which only in 2022 amounted more than +800 unique impacts on media outlets worldwide, as well as appearances on TV and Radio.

In the Web3 space we delivered Aragon Voice, an Ethereum dApp that allows gasless token-based voting. The dApp allowed the Aragon community to perform significant voting processes to define the future of Aragon. Leveraging on this experience, our next challenge lies in providing the Aragon DAO with a cutting-edge anonymous voting tool that fulfills DAO security requirements.

You can read more about the project’s history here.

Strategic Approach

Vocdoni’s main technological innovation is the creation of a censorship-resistant, secure, and transparent voting protocol. Our roadmap will provide all the necessary security guarantees that such a complex application requires, embracing Aragon’s initiative to lead on governance security. Under the light of recent cases, such as Ooki DAO, secure anonymous voting is a necessary property for DAO governance. Based on that premise, and according to Aragon’s objectives for 2023, we will upgrade our usage of zk-SNARKS technologies in the protocol, enabling seamless off-chain anonymous voting with delegation support and off-chain gasless voting with on-chain verifiable execution.

The implementation of these efforts will be undertaken with careful consideration of the AragonOS, which is a powerful and flexible operating system for decentralized organizations. By leveraging the features of the AragonOS, we can ensure that these efforts are not only effective but also seamlessly integrated into the broader Aragon ecosystem.

In the same direction, we will start transitioning our voting blockchain (a.k.a. Vochain) to a federated proof-of-stake model, that would provide stronger resistance to censorship while decreasing the complexity compared to a simple proof-of-stake model. This work, combined with the projected research on tokenomics will explore mid/long term strategies for utility applications of the ANT.

In the domain of verifiability, which is a key governance security attribute, we plan to submit future proposals that would enable the collaboration with the Research guild (AZKR), to integrate a zkBridge and a zero-knowledge voting aggregator (based on OVOTE) into our protocol, to deliver on-chain voting validation – meaning that transaction data (votes/results) available in our L2 voting blockchain can be verified on-chain by anyone, making it auditable, reliable and transparent.

At the same time, we will work on ensuring that the protocol can be universally accessible by establishing a Voting-as-a-service model based on the new API and SDK. While decentralization and web3 technologies lie at the core of our protocol, we have always been committed to delivering decentralized governance tools to every organization or collective in need of these tools, irrespective of their technical capacity. This allows us to contribute to the Aragon Governance strategy by expanding the technology use cases to traditional organizations. Our work would enhance compatibility with the needs of corporations, non-profits, jurisdictions, and other types of traditional organizations, to empower easy adoption of Aragon’s stack.

As we work towards becoming the de-facto standard for secure and anonymous voting infrastructure, we are focusing in the short term (2023) on learning and fast iteration by performing voting processes with soft legal requirements (low-stake). By leveraging integration partners, we will improve our product rapidly, test usability, and validate product-market fit. Meanwhile, we will start opening up the VaaS model by establishing even more key partnerships with networks of integrators, leading web3 governance projects and social participation platforms. On the Web3 space we’ll focus on bringing voting capabilities to DAOs through aragon.app, as well as to social dApps and protocols (Gitcoin Passport, Orbis, Lens Protocol, etc.).

Our medium-term strategy focuses on low-volume/high-margin income by maximizing organic growth through external integrations and networks of distributors and consultants. Having our technology validated, we will be able to host mid-stake participation processes and build a feature-rich VaaS. Please see the following section of the proposal for more information on our partnerships. As our primary revenue stream, we intend to charge usage fees at the protocol level.

To ensure the necessary technological components of the voting protocol are built with security and user-friendliness in mind, the company adheres to a set of design principles including Composability, Accessibility, E2E verifiability, Trustlessness, Free and open source, Resilience, Scalability, Anti-coercion and Automatization (click here to know more about those principles).

Primary Initiatives

Enhanced Web3 protocol: decentralized anonymous gasless voting with verifiable onchain execution

Impact: Lead on governance security - Anonymous DAO voting - Aragon’s Strategy to Become a Governance Hyperstructure

Enhancing Web3 compatibility is an essential goal, as it allows for seamless interaction between the Ethereum blockchain and our digital voting protocol, making it usable and production-ready for DAOs. To achieve this compatibility, our team is focusing on the use of zk-SNARKS technology to enable off-chain gasless voting with verifiable onchain execution.

To facilitate this process, the Vochain will act as a distributed register, where Ethereum users can associate their Ethereum address with a new ZK identity and/or delegate their voting power to another existing account. This identity can be used to build a ZK census, which contains a list of ZK identities of Ethereum users registered in the Vochain. The census can be created using a ZK census relayer service integrated into the Vocdoni stack, which allows for the creation of a SNARK-friendly census from the current Ethereum data snapshot in a flexible and programmable way.

Once the census has been created, participants can cast their votes using the zk-SNARKS anonymization mechanism available in the Vochain. Once the election is finished, the results can be sent back to Ethereum using Chainlink or other mechanisms.

Decentralization is a crucial feature for a voting protocol to achieve censorship resistance. However, we understand that integrating such changes requires a gradual approach. In the first stage of this proposal, we will develop the fundamental building blocks to migrate Vochain from a Proof-of-Authority consensus mechanism to Federated Proof-of-Stake (FPoS).

FPoS is a consensus mechanism where participation in the validator set is restricted to a federation of selected parties. The authority, which could be a DAO or its subsidiary, is responsible for determining the details of the federation, including the power to approve new validators, reward mechanisms, and enforce network security and decentralization. In this initial iteration, our goal is to establish the technical foundation of the FPoS network. We will work to gain a deeper understanding of how a tokenomics model and the FPoS network can operate and become self-sustainable with the assistance of experts.

DAOs secure offchain Voting: Integration with AragonOS and AragonAPP

Impact: Lead on governance security - Anonymous DAO voting - Aragon’s Strategy to Become a Governance Hyperstructure

The Vocdoni team is committed to offer secure offchain voting to DAOs through the Aragon stack and by working closely with the Product guild. With the upcoming enhanced web3 protocol, anonymous offchain voting with verifiable onchain execution will become a reality.

The integaration will be achieved through the two following deliverables. The first deliverable will be an MVP that provides voting capabilities to the Aragon app using signature-based voting. Based on this work, the second deliverable will introduce anonymous voting with delegation support, making it possible for any DAO created with the new stack to benefit from Vocdoni’s capabilities.

To achieve these milestones, a common proposal creation specification must be defined. The team aims to adopt the ongoing EIP4824 as the basis for the spec and integrate it into their protocol. This will not only enable Aragon DAOs but any other actor on the web3 ecosystem to utilize the Vocdoni capabilities.

By integrating with AragonOS and AragonAPP, Vocdoni is taking a significant step toward improving the security and trustworthiness of offchain voting mechanisms. This integration will provide DAO builders with a user-friendly and intuitive interface for conducting voting activities while ensuring complete anonymity and verifiability. It will also help to establish offchain voting as a standard feature in the web3 ecosystem, unlocking new possibilities for decentralized decision-making and governance.

Voting-as-a-service: Commoditize Secure Voting

Impact: Expand use cases, focusing on bringing decentralized governance to traditional organizations - Aragon’s Strategy to Become a Governance Hyperstructure

Our goal is to become the ‘Stripe of voting’ and we aim to achieve this by making the voting protocol accessible and easy to use for third-party projects and developers. Key components in achieving this goal are the API and SDK, which enable easy integration of the voting protocol into existing solutions. These developments contribute to creating a compatibility layer with traditional organizations, facilitating their integration into the Aragon ecosystem.

The API and SDK will be enhanced to provide a professional level of service and achieve the full potential of the Voting-as-a-Service (VaaS) product, the Vocdoni team is working on refining the business model, expanding our partnerships strategy (focusing on integrators and web3 projects) and improving the usability of the tools. A UI templating system is also an important aspect of the VaaS offering, as it allows projects to quickly and easily create a tailored voting page without requiring deep technical knowledge.

The developer portal serves as the entry point for accessing the API, SDK, and other resources needed to use our voting protocol. By providing a comprehensive set of tools and resources, we are working towards the goal of becoming the leading provider of voting services and actively working to build and foster a strong developer community. This community is crucial for the success and adoption of the technology, and we are working to attract developers who can contribute to the platform and shape its future direction.

Other Initiatives

To maximize the success of the primary initiatives, the three following initiatives will increase the use and awareness of the above protocol, as well as the exposure of the Aragon and Vocdoni brands, especially linking them to secure, transparent and privacy-centric governance. Considering the importance of security in the web3 space, these efforts will help Aragon to continue building on Aragon’s reputation for security, attracting high stake DAOs.

As a project funded by Aragon and part of its Ecosystem, we adhere to the official Aragon brand guidelines (outlined by the Aragon Growth Team), which include displaying the “Powered by Aragon” badge on all of our communication assets, websites, products, and tools. It ensures that the “Aragon” brand, strengthened by our contributions, is prominently displayed in all relevant communications and products. We will follow this approach until we establish new guidelines altogether with Aragon DAO to boost both main and child brands’ impact.

Partnerships strategy: Increase the reach & relevance for Aragon/Vocdoni

Our objective is to implement a strong growth strategy to increase the usage of our voting technology, taking advantage of its permissionless and adaptable attributes. To achieve this, we plan to double down on building partnerships with actors that can become users, prescribers, and good fellow companions of the protocol.

We have already begun approaching potential partners, including integrators, governance platforms, and other Web3 projects and protocols. With these efforts, we have seen promising results such as an integrator using Vocdoni to provide digital voting to clients (BLOOCK), an organization using Vocdoni for a referendum with more than 150k registered voters in Germany, social dApps for voting developed during the Web3Social Hackathon (organized by Orbis), a voting module for Decidim (a governance platform with 1M participants, used by hundreds of city councils, governments and organizations around the world). Additionally, we will create a strategy to attract builders through improving technical documentation, creating guides, tutorials, and video tutorials, social media activities, hackathons, and bounty programs.

To date, we have initiated conversations and collaborations with numerous actors, including Zodiac, Gitcoin Passport, Devs on the Farcaster protocol, and General Magic, among others in our pipeline. Our goal is to gain traction organically while expanding our technology internationally through this new approach.

Be reliable and secure: Apply for certifications required to work with traditional companies and the public sector.

To increase the reputation and quality seal of elections organized with our tech stack, we must ensure that Aragon/Vocdoni are recognized as a secure, private, and compliant technology. This is also relevant for obtaining high-stake elections in the traditional world as well as for official government elections, which require a series of formal guarantees to be carried out.

To guarantee that the processes and technologies used adhere to the highest quality standards, we will reinforce our API/SDK with a security suite, we will audit our code base, and perform a trusted zkSnarks setup ceremony.

Future initiatives

The following initiatives are not covered by this proposal, nevertheless are presented for coherence purposes in order to explain the future direction.


The zkBridge allows for the creation of a zkRollup validity proof, demonstrating the validity of a batch of Vochain block headers by proving the correctness of signatures for active FPoS validators over a set of state transitions. With this proof uploaded on Ethereum, any content living in the Vochain state (such as election results) can be then uploaded and verified by a smart contract. It is important to point out, that for the zkBridge to be secure and trustworthy, it is essential that the Vochain network has a highly decentralized and incentivized consensus mechanism such as FPoS.


In addition to enhancing Web3 interoperability through the creation of a zkBridge, our team also has the goal of integrating an OVOTE-based mechanism into the Vocdoni Protocol. This Vochain extension would validate vote transactions and generate a proof demonstrating the validity of an election result for a specific census and a number of registered votes.To integrate this mechanism into the protocol, together with the Aragon Research Guild (AZKR), we will introduce changes to the OVOTE protocol, aligning it with the specific needs and constraints of the production Vocdoni network. These changes may include modifications to the cryptographic techniques used, the structure of the census, or the process for generating and validating proofs.

Work Plan

To carry out the previously described strategy, we have prepared a roadmap with the various initiatives and sub-initiatives, each with a defined timeline and considering the dependencies between them, to progress efficiently:

View the roadmap in detail and full resolution here.

By the end of the proposal period, we should have achieved the following deliverables, using the proposed OKRs to measure the success of our work plan and the proposed roadmap to guide our efforts. These deliverables will serve as proof of our success on executing our strategy and the value we have contributed to the Aragon ecosystem:

Objectives Q1 2023

Objective 1: Improve Vocdoni Protocol Web3 interoperability, focusing on Census and Verifiability

  • KR1: ZK-friendly client accounts can be created via the SDK and API
  • KR2: Top 20 EVM-compatible tokens, based on market cap, are supported by our new Census Builder
  • KR3: Voting process results can be uploaded to EVM-based chains

Objective 2: Improve API/SDK security and adoption with integrations tools

  • KR4: ≥5 usage metrics are available to monitor in an analytics dashboard
  • KR5: ≥2 external projects/integrators being able to run a pilot voting process with the new SDK/UI-templating system
  • KR6: Integrate zk-SNARKS Anonymous Voting to the SDK
  • KR7: >80% score in security test suite provided by the DevOps Team

Objective 3: Lay the foundations of the Vocdoni Builder Community

  • KR8: Developer Advocacy Strategy and annual roadmap has been defined and approved by the guild steward, product manager, comms head, and also Aragon’s Developer Advocate
  • KR9: Publish 3 written technical articles or guides, and one in video format.
  • KR10: Improve the Developer Portal experience by implementing the Diataxis Framework.


The Vocdoni team is a highly skilled and development-oriented group. With over 70% of its members being engineers and a substantial combined experience in blockchain, distributed systems, smart contracts, and backend, the team is perfectly equipped to develop and deliver top-quality products and services. In addition to the technical expertise, the team also includes several members with other necessary skills, including product management, partnerships and communication. This allows us to take a holistic approach to product development, ensuring that their products meet the needs of their customers and the market.

The team is organized into the following key areas:

  • Decentralized infrastructure and blockchain technology (4 members)
  • SDK development (2 members)
  • Parntnerships and Developer Relations, (1 member and 1 part-time)
  • Product management (1 member).

H1 - Engineering Tech Lead & Co-founder. A computer science and distributed systems researcher with +8 years on mesh networking and 10+ years of blockchain-based projects. Responsible for guiding the high-level architectural discussions for the Vocdoni protocol.

H2 - Engineering coordinator & Guild steward: A PhD in distributed systems with 3+ years experience in software development and middlewares.
Responsible for coordinating the engineering team, SDK/UI developer and also representing the guild as a steward to the Aragon DAO.

H3 - Product Manager: A computer scientist with a master’s degree on smart cities, with +15 years of experience in software development & product management.

Responsible for translating the product strategy into actionable tasks and guiding the development team on what to do next and how in terms of reaching product goals.

H4 - Partnerships lead: A marketing expert and postgraduate in Social Economy Business Management, with 8+ years in blockchain comms and 7+ years in early-stage projects comms and community building.

Responsible for setting, leading and executing the communication and marketing strategy, enabling partnership opportunities and represent Vocdoni as a spokesperson.

H5 - Core & Smart Contracts Engineer: Computer Science, 6+ years of experience on blockchain-based projects. Backend and smart contracts developer. Guest Lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Responsible for designing and developing the smart contracts that bring the on-chain functionalities of the Vocdoni Protocol and one of the main contributors to the Vochain development.

H6 - Core Engineer: A backend engineer with 6+ years of experience as Innovation Research, focused on Privacy Enhanced Technologies.

Responsible for the development of the zkSNARKs circuits for the anonymous voting and contributor to the Vochain development.

H7 - Core Engineer: A distributed systems expert with +5 years of experience with mesh networks and decentralized systems.

Responsible for the correct functioning of the protocol distributed networks, as well as contributor to the Vochain development and DevOps.

H8 - SDK Engineer: A computer scientist with 12+ years of experience in software development.

Responsible for developing and maintaining the Vocdoni SDK

Part Time Contributors

P1 - Admin and Comms and ProjectsAssistant: A designer with 5+ years of experience on project management, leading different kinds of projects and dealing with customer’s needs.

Responsible for kicking-off and manage projects with clients and partners, as well as bringing the best experience to the costumers. Also provides support to Comms and Ops.

External contributors

We will collaborate with highly-experienced external contributors, already familiar with the project, in order to outsource non-core developments such as UI/UX, backend team support.

Funding Breakdown

The total requested funding period is 9 months, from March 1st 2023 to November 30th 2023.

Vocdoni is in the process of creating its own legal wrapper and will use Opex Core AG Wrapper as an OPS service provider (symbolic fee included in Other Opex). Both the team compensation, the yearly bonus & the unexpected expenses have been carried over from the previous conditions. We will be requesting the non-seasonal budget in the first season and it will be controlled by a multi-sig owned by core Vocdoni members.

Yearly Summary
Concept Amount (USD) %
Team Compensation $ 692,037.83 58.47
              FTE’s             8
              PTE’s             1
              Average Salary (Yearly projection) $ 108,554.95
Bonus (12%) $ 83,044.54 7.02
Team Expenses $ 67,200.00 5.68
Total Other Opex $ 28,172.90 2.38
Third Party Providers $ 200,000.00 16.90
Non Seasonal
Hackathons/Bounties/Talks Expenses $ 66,000.00 5.58
Legal $ 15,000.00 1.27
Unexpected expenses (3% of the above) $ 32,052.32 2.71
Total Budget $ 1,183,507.59 100.00
- - -
Total Season 1 (+non-seasonal) $ 469,504.08 39.67
Total Season 2 $ 356,451.76 30.12
Total Season 3 $ 357,551.76 30.21
Total Budget $ 1,183,507.59 100

Risk and Dependencies

We presenthere the potential risks and challenges that we may face throughout the year. These include security breaches, technological failures, and regulatory changes. To mitigate these risks, Vocdoni has implemented robust security measures, built-in redundancies, and has a dedicated team of engineers. In addition, the company is planning to undergo audits and certifications to further enhance the overall security of the protocol.

The following table summarizes these risks:

Risk Table:

Critical risks for implementation
(T: type {T: technological, P: practical, E: economic} ; Sev.: severity; Prob.: probability)

Risk T Sev. Prob.
R1 Product market fit Not able to get traction with our value proposition. E Med. Med
R2 Cryptography high innovation risk We are using cutting edge cryptographic functions that have not endured yet the test of time. T High Low
R3 Sensible market Digital voting is an extremely sensible and controversial topic. Most institutions are risk averse and the media finds it “juicy” to attack. P Low High
R4 Network attacks There are high incentives to attack voting processes and their components. P Med. High
R5 Miss the window of opportunity Multiple technologies make E2E verifiable voting possible now. There are poorly-performing solutions with a shorter time-to-market. E High High
R6 Copies The entire stack is free and open source, allowing anyone to clone it. P Low High
R7 Regulatory Changes Changes in laws or regulations at the national or international level could impact the company’s ability to operate. P Med. Low
R8 External technical dependencies We make use of code and libraries maintained by other projects. Bugs or lack of maintenance of those projects can disrupt our development. T Low High
Risk Mitigation Measures
R1 Product market fit: Agile based development with fast iteration cycles. New API/SDK strategy. Developer advocacy. Bounties. Partnerships.
R2 Cryptography high innovation risk: Technical audits. Open-source-based development enables constant peer review and, using bug bounties, we can maximize the incentives for hackers and researchers to scrutinize our system. Research and academic papers.
R3 Sensible market: Build a solid reputation. Accurate communication of risks. Legal support.
R4 Network attacks: Decentralized infrastructure. Proof-of-Stake. Censorship-proof design. Strong infrastructure ecosystem. encryption and multi-factor authentication.
R5 Miss the window of opportunity: Aggressive go-to-market strategy. Fast release cycles. Attractive pricing.
R6 Copies: Main strategy: reputed project. In addition, all the code is released with an open-source license. No restrictions on commercial exploitation are currently applied, although we reserve the right to change this in the future if bad practices jeopardize the project.
R7 Regulatory Changes: Legal Support. Address the international market where the risk is lower.
R8 External technical dependencies: No proprietary software is used. Open source development allows our team to take over the “abandoned” project. Risk analysis before choosing dependencies.

Look forward to hearing the feedback on the Proposal!

EDIT: The proposal can be found live here



Hello again,

After discussions with various actors regarding the proposal we would like to share some proposal updates, together with reducing our requested budget to $ 1,963,576.53.

1) Federated Proof-of-Stake (FPoS)

We modified our second initiative, introducing the idea of the Federated Proof-of-Stake (FPoS), that we explain thorougly here .

In the FPoS, participation to the validator set is not open to everyone, but rather a federation of selected parties. The authority, a DAO or a subsidiary of it, imposes the details of the federation including the power to approve new validators, determine reward mechanisms, and enforce network security and decentralization. While validators are required to stake a certain amount of value, if they act maliciously, the protocol or authority has the power to slash their stake.

A native protocol token will gate the interaction of the users with the Vochain. The Aragon DAO will have the discretion to determine the best use for this accumulated value, which could include reinvesting in the project, paying for external contributions to the protocol, or distributing dividends to ANT holders.

Pleasre red the aformentioned document for more information.

2) FPoS mainnet release remains outide the scope of this proposal

The details of the FPoS should be refined by a multidisciplinary and cross-guild group of experts, including those with background in tokenomics. Therefore we have decided to udpate our roadmap by

  • removing the mainnet release of the FPoS
  • taking the opportunity to deliver earlier an offchain voting plugin to aragon.app

You can find the updated roadmap here.

3) Medium term go-to-market update

We have exlcuded customized integrations services to large organizations from our medium term go-to-market plan, as described in the Strategic Approach section.

Hello again,

After processing received feedback we have updated the proposal in order to :
1)Shift our focus from high-end Comms to lower scale dev-oriented comms
2)Increase the importance of partnerships
3)Reducing team complexity.

The following changes where made together with a budget reduction of the total amount from $1,963,576.53 to $1,533,018.34 :

  • Initiatives Changes
    • Reduce scope of Developer Relations initiative making it a sub-initiative of Partnerships
  • Team Changes
    • Team size: 8 Full-time members , 1 Part-time member
    • Replace former Communications Lead and DevRel postions with a Partnerships Lead and a part-time Comms assistant
    • Exclude previous projected new hires for the shake of reducing complexity.
  • Budget Changes
    • Minimize comms expenses by:
      • Removing event sponorships costs (keep part of the budget for 2-3 talks)
      • Removing Comms agency costs
      • Maintain hackathons and bounties
    • Reinforce outsourcing through third party providers

Thank you


OnChainCoop thanks Vocdoni for the elaborate proposal. There are plenty of good points. The proposal is most directly about a decision involving USD$ 1,500,000.00. Given the time constraints to evaluate this proposal about USD1.5M are extremely short, OnChainCoop cannot perform, in good faith, proper due diligence.

Given the proposed development work appears complex and risky, and the material amount of money involved, OnChainCoop believes it would be prudent to consult experts as well as to request an alternative provider for a quote for developing similar products and services.

To be clear, this is not to say the proposed work is or is not deficient or that alternatives will or will not be better; it is to say that comparing two (or more) alternatives allows for better due diligence and a more informed decision in the best interest of ANT token holders, which we are all aligned on.

Within this context, OnChainCoop will vote no on this proposal for this voting period. It hopes it will have the chance to properly re-evaluate the merits of this proposal in a future, hopefully next, voting period.

1 Like

Thank you for your feedback, OnChainCoop. We understand your concerns about the due diligence process, and we appreciate your suggestion to consult experts and alternative providers.

Regarding the complexity and risk of the proposed development work, we would like to point out that Vocdoni has a proven track record of successfully implementing blockchain-based voting systems in real-world scenarios, such as the voting of Òmnium Cultural and FCB (both organizations with a user base of +350k individuals). We are pretty confident of reaching the milestones proposed in the roadmap as we have a good and very experienced team.

While we acknowledge the potential risk associated with not finding sufficient product-market fit, we believe that the development of our proposal will benefit the Aragon ecosystem and the wider web3 community, such as by providing anonymous voting for DAOs and zkBridge for on-chain results. Regardless of the outcome of product-market fit, we believe that our proposal will bring value to Aragon. As far as we know, there is not any other initiative able to bring zk Anonymous voting in the short term for DAOs. And no one with Vocdoni’s expertise on this topic.

Lastly, we would like to emphasize that we see ourselves as a part of the Aragon ecosystem rather than a separate provider. We believe that Aragon is a multifaceted ecosystem that can benefit from multiple initiatives pursuing the same vision from different angles, and all of which can bring value in different ways. Therefore, we don’t think that our proposal should be compared with that of an external provider.

Regarding the time constrain, we acknowledge it is being a sprint for all of us. But this is the situation we have right now due to the current context. We are putting all our energy right now on this process, and we hope we can focus on execution as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your input, and we hope to have the opportunity to address any further concerns in the future. Feel free to contact us directly if you want to address some specific issue.


Prisma is planning to vote “yes” on this proposal, provided a reduction in the funding duration to eight months. We believe that a shorter funding cycle is appropriate to enable ANT holders to re-evaluate the next phase of funding as we approach it.

From the outset, Prisma members have sympathized with Vocdoni’s vision. We share the belief that decentralized and open-source technology can promote democratic health and legitimize decision-making processes. We want to see a continued collaboration with Aragon and Vocdoni under the right conditions and expectations.

Initially, we had significant concerns about the scope of the proposal, but we’re pleased to see that the team has been receptive to feedback from various internal stakeholders within the Aragon Association. We agree with the reduced scope and improved focus on the most recent changes, particularly the acknowledgement of the need of a cross-functional group of experts to refine tokenomics research before moving to a PoS consensus model.

Moreover, we believe that delivering an off-chain voting plugin for Aragon DAOs with the properties of Vochain is an achievable Q2 objective and should be of the highest priority. We hope that this timeline will allow the Vocdoni team to continue focusing on the infrastructural objectives stated in the current proposal, collaborate directly with product and design leads of the Aragon Product Development guild, and to deliver a fully functional version of the voting plugin in the new Aragon App.

Based on the response from @p4u above, we do believe that Vocdoni’s future OKR’s should begin focusing more on bringing the most value directly to the Aragon stack through off-chain voting with on-chain execution, as well as anonymous voting. As they are experts in this field we agree this should be their main focus and funding allocated appropriately. We do not, however, believe that there is no other initiative able to bring zk anonymous voting in the short term to DAOs and hope Vocdoni can work with the other guilds to achieve this.

We believe that the team’s conviction to the Vocdoni brand is admirable, and we’re confident that the team can deliver a voting plugin during this period. This would cement the relationship between Aragon and Vocdoni, and we’d be happy to support a 8-month funding horizon to make it happen.


Thank you for your response, @p4u. Our stance has been based on the shared information that proposals are final, and the voting would be based on the February 14th version as final. The proposal is evolving, and we appreciate the receptiveness of the team to feedback and the opportunity to chat last week.

With the suggested by Prisma changes implemented, we would revise our vote to “yes”.

The direct tangible way in which the proposal adds value to Aragon is by bringing a specific functionality to aragonOSx and the Aragon App, namely off-chain voting with trustless on-chain execution, including the option for private voting. Prioritizing the successful progression of this primary objective over all other activities within the 8-month revised duration is a meaningful derisking of the proposal. Specifically, we would want to see the impact of this re-focusing of effort - i.e., the updated proposal should not simply be the first eight months of the former version.

Given the strategic importance of the functionality that Vocdoni will work on, we would be interested for Aragon DAO to further de-risk the initiative by inviting proposals from other teams working on delivering alternatives (i.e. addition to Ceres Protocol being developed by the AZKR guild).



Two comments made in-line.

With the suggested by Prisma changes implemented, we would revise our vote to “yes”.

I’m happy to know that @OnChainCoop will support Vocdoni’s proposal too. Thanks to all who made it possible.

Given the strategic importance of the functionality that Vocdoni will work on, we would be interested for Aragon DAO to further de-risk the initiative by inviting proposals from other teams working on delivering alternatives (i.e. addition to Ceres Protocol being developed by the AZKR guild).

We understand your concerns. There is no doubt that Vocdoni and Aragon ZK Research (AZKR) must keep collaborating to find synergies and avoid duplication of efforts. However, it is worth highlighting that the two guilds have rather different objectives and, thus, targets, methodologies, team structures, etc. Roughly speaking, while Vocdoni is building products for end users and delivering services on top of them leveraging on third party building blocks, AZKR is focused on applied research on these technologies (e.g. ZK) and technology transfer (mostly as software libraries and prototypes) to other parties, including Vocdoni. Thus, by construction not only our scopes do not overlap but the opportunities for the aforementioned collaboration are manifold.

In any case, we welcome any feedback and are open to make any clarification need, now or in the future.

Kind regards.


Thank you @Prisma and @OnChainCoop for providing your perspective on the matter, and I am really glad to see that we can all work together in alinging our perspectives.

We are currently working in updating our proposal and roadmap to reflect the feedback received , prioritizing the current, but also future, needs of AragonOS and Aragon App regarding secure private voting.

Also, I want to take the opportunity and endorse the above statement of @roger . I think he gives a great overviewed of the relation between the roadmap described in this proposal and the one presented by AZKR, precisely summarized in this phrase:

Thus, by construction not only our scopes do not overlap but the opportunities for the aforementioned collaboration are manifold.

Thank you


We have been engaged in discussions with @Prisma and @OnChainCoop , as well as other stakeholders in order to get a wide alignement on our roadmap and proposal. I present you here an overview of the resulting changes that are updated already in the porposal.

The main driving factor under the changes is removing part of the focus on web2, and prioritizing a collaboration with the Aragon Product guild to deliver secure offchain voting to Aragon.app.

The following changes were made together with a budget reduction of the total amount from $1,533,018.34 to $1,183,507.59 and a time reduction from 12 to 9 months (3 seasons).

Initiatives Changes

  • Create a separate initiative to deliver DAOs secure offchain Voting, in close collaboration the Aragon product guild. This initiative aims to assist in defining the plugin development flow and deliver a production ready voting plugin for Aragon.app. You can find more detais on the concrete delivarable in the proposal above, or in our updated roadmap.
  • Decrease the effort dedicated to the Federated PoS, and therefore merge the previous decentralization initiative with the initative to enhance the Web3 protocol. Our primary focus would be offchain voting through Aragon, but we will work to set the base for the FPoS and explore the relevant tokenomics.
  • Updated the secondary initiatives by removing objectives related to web2 compliance, such as ISOs, and focusing more in guaranteeing the infrastructure quality and security.

Budget Changes

  • Adapt budget from 12 to 9 months.

I would like to thank those who offered their feedback.

Kind regards


Prisma will vote “yes” on this amended proposal. The updates made to the proposal have improved its focus and coherence, and we believe that the increased focus on delivering to DAOs secure off-chain voting with on-chain execution in a unified proposal experience is the right move and has been validated across the industry as a need for DAOs using Aragon.

We are experiencing first hand the high gas costs of on-chain voting in DAOs and are confident that achieving this objective would give Aragon App a significant competitive edge in the market. This presents an opportunity to increase Vochain usage and aligns with the team’s long-term protocol strategy that goes beyond the scope of Aragon. The current overlap in technology presents a unique opportunity, thus we believe this collaboration is advantageous for both parties.

It’s important for the Vocdoni Guild to proactively communicate with the relevant guilds in Aragon. For example, during the plugin development lifecycle, since the plugin system is new, it will require thoughtful discovery of best practices in communication and development. Similarly, aligning efforts with the AZKR Guild can improve knowledge transfer and potentially reduce redundant effort.

Given the degree of improvement to the proposal, we support the full 9-month funding horizon.

Thank you for the changes and helpful explanations, @manosD!


@Prisma thank your for the feedback and for partipating in the necesarry discussions to find a common path. We share the belief that this collaboration is advantageous for both parties and will work closely with the Procut and AZKR guilds to achieve the proposed objectives.

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OnChainCoop thanks the Vocdoni guild for the productive dialog.
OnChainCoop has voted “yes” in support of the proposal.

With the implemented change in focus, this proposal has become a good value proposition for Aragon. By integrating Vocdoni’s technology into the Aragon stack, it will reach the most mature and relevant audience for it. We are looking forward to seeing the product come to life over the next few quarters.

Vocdoni 2023-Q1 OKR’s Report:

During the last quarter, the Vocdoni team achieved some significant milestones while facing some challenges.

The team had two objectives directly related to the AA strategy for this year (Objectives 1 and 2).

Objective 1 was completed successfully making the Vocdoni Protocol interoperable with Web3 through the Census3 prototype, enabling optimistic on-chain results as well as preparing the protocol for zk-friendly accounts.

Objective 2 was validated in practice through our pilot of legally-binding voting with the SDK by Decidim (a leading digital platform for citizen participation) for their General Assembly by the end of March. Even so, some of the intermediate KRs were not fulfilled. Although we did not arrive on time for having a second integrator pilot, we bootstrapped conversations with many projects for the future. Additionally, integrating the SDK with anonymous voting was affected by our exploration/evaluation of a Snarks prototype for anonymous voting based on the Gnark framework that could produce significant benefits, removing the need for a trusted setup ceremony.

As far as Objective 3 is concerned, the changes in the roadmap based on the discussions with the delegate groups, made this objective less relevant, making us shift focus considering that the last month of the quarter was the first month of the new roadmap. This led to delays in the developer advocacy strategy and article publication.

Despite some challenges, we have made significant progress on 2/3 of our objectives, the ones that are directly related to the AA strategy and delivering the key technology components that will serve as the foundation for the future. Having our roadmap defined, we can now focus and work hard and in collaboration with the other guilds to deliver off-chain anonymous voting to Aragon App.

Q2 OKR’s:

The Vocdoni guild has set the following objectives and key results for 2023-Q2:

After what we have learned in the 2023-Q1, we have reduced from 3 to 2 objectives, to better align with our team size and have more focus. The proposed objectives are:

  • Establish the technical and operational base for bringing off-chain voting to Aragon App: We want to set up the base for being able to offer off-chain voting to all Aragon DAO users by creating a plugin. In this first stage, we will create and deploy a testnet version of this plugin (smart contracts) and coordinate with other Aragon guilds to align with the desired voting flow and working flow.

  • Expand SDK use cases: With this objective, we aim to advance our integrators’ strategy by expanding the SDK use cases with anonymous voting. We’ll double down on attracting projects and integrators to use our protocol, creating the ecosystem needed for high-stake elections and ready-to-use infrastructure.

Through these two objectives, we aim to advance our interoperability efforts, in collaboration with other guilds, across both Web2 and Web3 domains. Additionally, we will work towards achieving the KR1.3 of the Aragon annual strategy (Signaling Proposal: 2023 Annual Strategy Guideline V1), which is to offer anonymous voting to all members of the Aragon App.

Thanks for the quarterly update. Prisma understands that the pivots during the 2023 funding proposal process affected your Q1 OKRs, especially Objective 3. Nonetheless, we’re excited to see the advances toward Objective 1, especially considering its role in enabling the new roadmap to bring off-chain voting with binding execution to the Aragon App.

For Q2, focusing on just two clear objectives should help Vocdoni maintain its focus. Prioritizing the establishment of the technical and operational base for off-chain voting in the Aragon App is essential. We agree that achieving the first two key results will be significant progress toward bringing off-chain voting with binding execution to Aragon DAOs. Alongside this, we also agree with the acknowledgement that communication has to be improved; Vocdoni will have to proactively coordinate with other guilds moving forward, as they have their own priorities.

Thanks again for the update @Aulet, we eagerly anticipate witnessing Vocdoni’s progress in the upcoming quarters.

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In the report below you will find the budget overview of the first Quarter:

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Quarterly Report

In the previous semester, the Vocdoni guild has achieved significant progress in most of the proposed OKRs, with particular importance placed on the objective of implementing the first testnet version of the off-chain voting plugin for Aragon OSx. This objective holds great significance as it will allow all DAO members to vote off-chain (gassless), decreasing significantly the economic friction for voting on proposals and therefore potentially increasing the user-base. Moreover, we worked together with the product guild desinging and agreeing in the UI/UX flow for integrating off-chain voting to Aragon App.

Regarding the second objective, we also made important steps in the technical aspect of expanding the use cases by:

  • Providing a first Proof-of-Concept for anonymous voting through the Vocdoni SDK. The Vocdoni guild has conducted research, designed and implemented the required zkSnarks circuits, and utilized them in a proof-of-concept voting using JS. This implementation not only facilitates anonymous voting but also lays the groundwork for future enhancements, including binding execution for offchain proposals.

  • Enhancing the existing infrastructure and middleware for future scalability and reducing overall complexity. This includes eliminating outdated components like the old RPC API and validators, as well as implementing CI/CD improvements. Simultaneously, the guild has expanded the functionalities of the SDK to encompass nearly all API functionalities and voting types. These efforts aim to streamline operations, simplify development processes, and ensure that the SDK provides comprehensive support for a wide range of voting scenarios (references can be found here and here).

In general, we are pleased with the overall progress and achievements across all proposed areas. However, we were unable to fully accomplish the KR of organizing two pilot elections with integrators or third parties during this semester, although an agreement has been reached for at least one pilot election, which is scheduled to take place in the next semester (excluding the current OKRs). Those delays have been the result of prioriziting the Vocdoni integration with the Aragon stack. Despite this exception, we remain optimistic about the advancements made and are committed to further enhancing our efforts in the upcoming period.

It is important to highlight that the majority of our current developments are not limited to Aragon alone but are applicable to the broader Web3 and DAO ecosystem, allowing future’s collaboration with a wide range of other projects.


Vocdoni Objectives for the second season (Q3)

According the roadmap presented in the funding proposal, and contemplating Aragon’s Product strategy we present the following set of objectives and key results for the upcoming trimester:

O1: Successfully deploy Aragon App offchain voting plugin on Mainnet

  • KR1: Enable DAO users to generate offchain majority voting proposals via the Aragon App
  • KR2: Establish a seamless, user-friendly web interface for DAO users to efficiently cast their votes

O2: Attain production-Level stability and security for Vocdoni Network

  • KR1: Maintain a minimum of 98% uptime for the Vocdoni consensus protocol network, available through a publicly accesible dashboard.
  • KR2: Address and resolve 100% of the security issues identified by DeepSource in the Vocdoni-node
  • KR3: Achieve a 70% reduction in the total number of issues reported by DeepSource on Vocdoni-node

O3: Enhance and diversify DAO voting Use-Cases

  • KR1: Incorporate the zkSnarks primitives into the Vocdoni SDK that are necessary for binding execution and anonymous voting
  • KR2: Deploy in testnet an extended OSx plugin that allows DAOs to perform offchain quadratic voting
  • KR3: Facilitate DAOs in creating intricate censuses using strategies involving multiple ERC20 and ERC721 tokens, using the Census3 via the Vocdoni SDK
  • KR4: Develop a Census3 PoC that would allow census creation from other EVM-based networks, starting with Polygon


The integration of the Vocdoni OSx Plugin within the Aragon App, is a move to provide DAO users with a seamless and unified experience when creating and participating in voting proposals. This forms the basis of our first OKR. Our primary objective is to enable users to generate offchain majority voting proposals effectively, establishing a user-friendly interface. This KR will be executed in close collaboration with the Product guild, that will facilitate us the know-how in order to perform the integration. The deployment in mainnet is subject to the OSx plugin audit times.

The second proposed objective aims to keep increasing the stability and security of the Vocdoni network, specially on the upcoming production-level deployment (codename Apex), ensuring that offchain proposals can be executed under the necessary QoS guarantees.

At the same time, we are already working to set the foundations for the future offchain voting features, as described in the third objective. Vocdoni’s newest version of zkSnarks circuit has brought us significantly closer to binding execution and secure anonymous voting, with a marked increase in usability. The elimination of the pre-registration requirement is a major step in enhancing the user experience, providing a seamless process for all end users, including those using mobile devices. This is reflected in our third OKR, where we aim to make these primitives available through the Vocdoni SDK. You can find more context here.

The Census3 service will be extended to facilitate the creation of intricate strategies using logical expressions involving multiple ERC20 tokens, NFTs, and more. This is a critical enhancement that substantially increases the power and flexibility of DAO governance processes, aligning with our objective to diversify DAO voting use-cases. Moreover we will explore multichain capabilities starting with Polygon.

We firmly believe that all the proposed objectives are in line with the current DAO market needs and will contribute significantly to expand the features and use cases of the Aragon App. We will work in collaboration with other Aragon guilds aiming to create an ecosystem that promotes the growth and advancement of decentralized technologies as a whole.