Financial Proposal: A Path to Decentralised Governance (dGov S1 COMPLETE)

Disagree @Ricktik6

  1. Let’s not confuse cashflow with expenses. This is the funding requested based on June expenses. dGov advisory payments from May was requested last month as it was a May expense. It is owing (cashflow). This information is all available in the transparency post linked in my report

  2. More importantly let’s not confuse budgeted expenses or expected cashflow with final onchain payments. For dGov June actual expenses are yet to confirmed. June coordinape cicle for advisory is yet to close, let alone be finalised.

Cc @AClay fair to say we should not report the onchain outflow prior to onchain payments being made?

My reporting provides the advise

And I link the dework, notion and forum post dedicated to dGov financial transparency for the advisory circle, which is updated as the actual figures become available S1 dGov Transparency: Advisory Funding Coordinape Experiment [COMPLETE]

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