July 2022 dGov Report
At today’s date dGov has distributed 39 identified functional roles. The process to distribute governance support has had it’s challenges. It was expected that there would be roles offered that would have been easier to do myself but the point was to decentralise governance towards the community and away from myself as a member of the ESD. Ultimately weaknesses are a reflection of my own leadership failings. That said, contributors in diverse places have delivered above and beyond, without me and my heartfelt thanks go out those crew, you know who you are.
S1 Impact Deliverables 3.16 / 5 COMPLETE
[In Progress] - Decentralise: Support work to document Charter adaptations 3 Voting 1 Proposed 2 In progress
[COMPLETED] - Awareness: Publish a governance timeline/calendar to promote and raise community awareness and forum engagement and voting participation + here + here
[COMPLETED] - Decentralise: Investigate, compare and propose governance tooling and community mechanisms that support decentralised governance with at least one supported proposal (31 July) ** Demoing a TAO Voting DAO
[In Progress] - Understanding: Plan and propose in collab with the community (30 June) the delivery of a series of governance campfire (3) workshops (2) to help our community define the AN DAO Mission, Vision and Values that inform individual positions on Governance proposals and voting. [2 COMPLETE Trust, Community Rituals, 1 Scheduled] Here’s a snapshot of dGov contributor values captured to date
[In Progress] - Engagement: Provide a community touchpoint for proposal authors to seek guidance on proposals, seek feedback if requested and clarify questions as to the governance process S2 Workshops 1 COMPLETE & 1 Scheduled
S1 Operational Deliverables 4/6 COMPLETE
[COMPLETE] Participation: Surface and define S1 Governance roles/functions to be shared between members of the dGov Coordinape circle (30 June) .
[PRIORITY] Engagement: % Increase from baseline of participation in discord and forum based on the preceding three months (Feb-Apr) (May-July) **[6 Month Baseline here 3:3 Month Performance Comparison, In progress]
[COMPLETE] - Responsibility: Provide easy access to documentation of dGov team member responsibilities, aligned objectives and metrics (30 May)
[COMPLETE] - Accountability: Ensure routine and operational governance tasks have performance metrics applied for tracking and reporting
[COMPLETE] - Understanding: Governance community survey to inform accountability, workshops and governance discussion (15 June, Complete) (15 July, not started) Survey & Analysis
[PIVOT]- Understanding: Document frequently asked questions to build shared understanding for inclusion in Community handbook v 2.0 Shared Conversations. People have a vast array of questions about Governance for which there is no easy way to present Q & A in the handbook. The handbook would be best used to highlight key governance documents, as the dGov survey shows that more than 20% of people surveyed were not aware of the existence of the Charter and subsequently Community Guidelines. The Pivot here is to apply both the FAQ and S1 learning experiment to gamify the context-building process for DAO governance through self-paced discovery and learning.
Monthly Routine Deliverables - ALL COMPLETE JULY
- Transparency: Monthly performance analysis & reporting [Complete May June July]
- Transparency: Monthly community call Meeting Agenda & Minutes
- Transparency: Weekly activity documentation July 2022
- Accountability: Weekly tactical goal setting & activity tracking July 2022
- Engagement: Weekly governance topic/reading/discussions In Progress
Changes to funding allocation
The dGov Advisory Coordinape Experiment is COMPLETE. Instead, all governance contributors will have opportunity to reward each other in a single end of season August Coordinape Circle, as the more collective approach to decentralised governance participation.
Funding Request
Total USDC Equivalent $18,725 (transparency update based on finalised payments)
$5100 Coordinape
- Advisory Coordinape: $1100 allocated from 3k pool Core Advisory Circle to reward efforts in July in relation to Charter Improvement Proposals
- Community Coordinape $3000 pool 100% allocated
- $1000 DAO Wide Coordinape
$8,625 Bounties: core support & creator rewards owning 31 July. roles rewarded
Financial transparency: Finalised record of payments will be reflected by 15 August 2022 dGov tab here S1 Financial Position - Google Sheets