June 2022 dGov Report
At today’s date dGov has 31 identified functional roles. DAO contributors across every guild have stepped up to support the S1 dGov Community Mission. Thank you to everyone that has rallied!
June was quite on the governance support mission #1 with only three Charter Improvement Proposals (CIP) currently under discussion CIP 0 CIP 1 CIP 2 but as teams on all sides prep for S2 financial proposals and at least three Charter Improvement Proposals moving to vote: July is looking to busy. How busy? Check out the S1 Governance Transparency & Key Dates
Reporting based on ESD Template
[# status ]
[#] = number of functional role(s)
[status] = Not Started, In Progress, Complete, Priority, Specified
Impact Deliverables
Decentralise: Support work to document Charter adaptations [3 In Progress]
Awareness: Publish a governance timeline/calendar to promote and raise community awareness and forum engagement and voting participation [+2 here here, In Progress]
Decentralise: Investigate, compare and propose governance tooling and community mechanisms that support decentralised governance with at least one supported proposal (31 July) [1 In Progress]
Understanding: Plan and propose in collab with the community (30 June) the delivery of a series of governance campfire (3) workshops (2) to help our community define the AN DAO Mission, Vision and Values that inform individual positions on Governance proposals and voting. [Scheduled, In Progress]
Engagement: Provide a community touchpoint for proposal authors to seek guidance on proposals, seek feedback if requested and clarify questions as to the governance process [Proposal S2 Workshops & Debrief Scheduled]
Operational Deliverables
Participation: Surface and define S1 Governance roles/functions to be shared between members of the dGov Coordinape circle (30 May) [1 Complete] Revised Due Date 30 June. All core support functional roles are now assigned.
Engagement: % Increase from baseline of participation in discord and forum based on the preceding three months (Feb-Apr) (May-July) [Baseline, In Progress] [Priority]
Responsibility: Provide easy access to documentation of dGov team member responsibilities, aligned objectives and metrics (30 May) [1 Complete May 30] [1 July Survey Required ]
Accountability: Ensure routine and operational governance tasks have performance metrics applied for tracking and reporting (30 May) [1 Complete 30 May] [Baseline, In Progress] [Priority]
Understanding: Governance community survey to inform accountability, workshops and governance discussion (15 June, Complete) (15 July, not started) [Survey Complete, Analysis In Progress] [Priority]
Understanding: Document frequently asked questions to build shared understanding for inclusion in Community handbook v 2.0 [In Progress]
Routine Deliverables
- Transparency: Monthly performance analysis & reporting [In Progress, see references below ]
- Transparency: Monthly community call [Meeting Agenda & Minutes]
- Transparency: Weekly activity documentation [June 2022]
- Accountability: Weekly tactical goal setting & activity tracking {June 2022]
- Engagement: Weekly governance topic/reading/discussions [In Progress]
Changes to funding allocation
In the proposal, it was indicated that every participant would be rewarded via coordinape. This has now changed.
In June, due to the cross-functional nature and many moving parts of the dGov efforts, it seemed highly unlikely that people would have the bandwidth to build context about governance support across every guild. Such context is needed to effectively allocate GIVE to others via coordinape. As such I decided to provide fixed incentives tied to very specific deliverables and success metrics rather than reward via coordinape.
After receiving $2550 for rewards for the entire month of May via the advisory coordinape circle I have removed the funding I budgeted for core dGov from the circle mechanism to fix a 5k per month reward. While I will participate in coordinape circles to allocate and receive GIVE I would not be funded via the dGov advisory or community circles.
I am keen to hear from anyone that feels these changes are not ok, or out of order. The funding now looks like this:
- Core: Fixed reward @lee0007
- Flexible: DeWork (17)
- Advisory: coordinape experiment here
- Community: July begin testing coordinape
Funding Request
Total: $20,725 | ANT $2072.50 | USDC $18652.50
- Coordinape: $5000 Core Advisory Circle to reward efforts in June in relation to Charter Improvement Proposals
- Core $7450 @lee0007 Roles & Reporting $5000 fixed per month May & June less $2550 owing from May advisory coorodinape experiment
- Bounties: $8275 based on projected rewards owning 30 June. Currently, 17 creator and core support roles are rewarded
- Financial transparency here S1 dGov Transparency: Advisory Funding Coordinape Experiment [COMPLETE]. Finalised record of payments will be reflected by 15 July 2022 here S1 Financial Position - Google Sheets