Discussion Regarding AGP - Aragon Acquisition of DOTs

Thanks for your response. I still disagree with the whole thing, but I’m learning a lot in the process and now understand your reasoning behind the decision a little better :slight_smile:

I did not know that the fields in the template or AGP-1 were not mandatory. That’s good to know. Also the Web3 Foundation stated their proposal was final, but only after prompting. I interpreted AGP-1 to mean that it was the writer’s responsibility to stay engaged in the process and follow the process, not the communities responsibility to remind them to do so. A detail, but I’m trying to understand this as thoroughly as possible, and it seemed like the best way to do that would be to read through AGP-1 and then pointed out things that don’t make sense to me.

I think the focus of the proposal is quite clear: the AA should buy DOTs, partly for portfolio diversification, partly for technology diversification.

Well again, this is confusing because it’s being presented as a vote for signalling, but at the same time it’s being presented as a decision to make a decision, so the whole thing is confusing and frustrating. Rather than just being upset about it, I’ve starting a Meta AGP to Separate Signalling From Voting. That’s actually one of my favorite things about the Aragon community: disagreements can be healthy and there’s a productive way to go about discussing things and creating changes beyond just complaining on social media or forums.

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