Discussion : Future of AN DAO Community

Transferring the treasury while reformatting governance imo doesn’t change the balance in favour of decentralisation

Which holders benefit is being optimised here? Because we can see it is not the DAO community that contributed time and talent in support of Aragon and received minimal ANT in exchange. Optimising in favour of capital investment is the state of token-weighted voting and as a results we are pursuing a top-down agenda here - the transfer of funds the new dao let’s be open about who is setting the agenda instead of pretending this represents decentralisation of anything, except the treasury.

@Dunedain This is only true in as much as it applied equally to either DAO. ANT holders could already create proposals and vote via AN DAO. You can vote on this current proposal.

I just don’t believe that the people with the most ANT are the people on which this project will rise - I believe community is integral to the success of DAO and am disappointed that community was not openly accounted for in the equation here.