Community Initiative: Aragon Cooperative 🙌

I don’t understand this “comfortable position” critique, the Cooperative is not meant to be a way for people to apply to “council” positions and get paid for them. I see it more as volunteer driven as far as strategy / brainstorming / polling / proposal writing goes. If funds come through to the cooperative, it would be directly applied toward application development or such projects that are related to improving the ecosystem and pushing forward the Aragon vision – which can be done using bounties or using some of the teams that are already familiar with developing on Aragon that have the bandwidth. Realize that bounty programs still need to be centrally managed at the moment.

The more people that want to help manage them, the better, I think, as there is a lot of optimization work that needs to occur to actually make bounties an efficient method for Aragon development. So the Cooperative can be a way to accelerate the bounty process and not rely on 1-2 teams alone to manage them – and as Luke said, we can experiment with merit/reputation models in the bounty system as well – that’s the path I prefer marching down personally.