Committees Aragon App

Committees v1.0.0-beta.2

@sembrestels and me are proud to announce that after several months of development, we are releasing committees 1.0.0-beta.2 for public review :partying_face:.

In this version we have closed 9 issues that include the following:

  • Polished frontend, showing the sync indicator consistently, fixing some quirks in mobile views, improved performance, and other bug fixes.
  • Subscribe and cache token holders and permissions using an innovative formula described in this technical post.
  • Deep linking for each info, permissions, and activity committee page.
  • Dark mode :new_moon_with_face: support.
  • Update to latest aragonCLI.
  • @sembrestels also submitted a pull request to aragon.js in order to support permission changes from an external app, and it has been accepted and incorporated in Aragon 0.8.8 :tada:.

We want to thank @vivianedias for her contributions to the app’s frontend in this last release.

The application can be tested in Try Committees Rinkeby DAO, where you can find some of the committees described in the Aragon Cooperative post where we find out the original idea splitting DAO governance over different committees.

The application can also be installed in your Rinkeby DAO following the instructions in the app’s README.

We would like to hear about your feedback in this same forum thread, and create a new issue if you find any bug or want to suggest a new feature request.

Finally, we’d like to thank the Aragon Community Funding DAO for funding this project.