Aragon Flock proposal - PanAragon: Aragon for All

@LouisGrx @stellarmagnet many thanks for your feedback, we know it has been short notice for reasons outside of our control, so your responsiveness is much appreciated.

@mariapaulafn did a great job addressing your prior questions, so let me just pick up on the remaining ones. For convenience, I shall compile them below into a Q&A.

I02-3 PanAragon Identity

Indeed the Autark team will be making progress on identity in the next few weeks, and I am happy to see that collaboration was mentioned in this proposal (disclaimer: the contents of this proposal was not discussed with Autark beforehand).

I see you have a proof of concept for the Chamas Passport which is your solution – can you describe the technical approach? It looks like an interesting multi-contract system, but I can’t seem to personally wrap my head around it.

Currently, to the best of our knowledge there is no single interface where a user could see all DAOs she is a member of, manage their settings and permissioNs. Chama Passport serves to address that. So what is Chama Passport? It is an application built on AragonOS that functions as an SSO (Single Sing-On) whilst maintaining a dynamic ENS for each user, e.g. alex.chamapassport.eth. In that sense, it is like a decentralised Google SSO for AragonOS services, and for cross-blockchain services on AraChain in the future;)

What excites us is an ability to create a DAO on the fly from her ChamaPassport interface. What we therefore see here, is a more familiar and generalised UX, and ability to create and configure DAO-to-DAO interactions directly from a user’s ChamaPassport.

We started experimenting with AragonKit to this end, and the work is not over yet. However, the immediately apparent benefit of the solution is the ability to attract new users and developers to the ecosystem through familiar and easy UX.

I02-2 DAO Documents storage & Law contracts

I think Ross’s work on interfacing legacy organizations with DAOs is very important and this is a great part of the proposal.

The intention of Aragon Court is to make progress on solving DAO-to-DAO agreements, especially the dispute aspect. Can you describe how you see the collaboration with Ross fitting into the court system?

As @mariapaulafn has covered above, the main application area is creation of legally recognisable – in the “meatspace” – DAOs, e.g. LLC, LLPs, that can claim property rights to real assets, enter enforceable contracts, and protect its members from liability. Our intention is enable them exchange value freely between each other and external parties. Based on our analysis of AragonCourt so far, an additional framework is required to be built to allow for that.

So, what’s next? We are grateful for everybody making the time at such short notice, and we will reflect your feedback in a revised proposal which will be pushed to github tomorrow. Separately, I shall add my thoughts on monetisation scenarios illustrated by a summary financial model we provided, and how we see the model evolving over time.

Have a good evening, everybody!