Aragon Black Flock draft proposal

I wanted to make a small note in this thread.

In my recent forum reply, I challenged Jorge for why he criticizes Autark moreso than Aragon Black in his statement. This reflection is not directly related to my perception of Aragon Black’s importance or place in the Flock program. It was more about feeling like Autark was being scapegoated for the dysfunctions in Flock, when it is beyond any one team, or one mistake.

I agree with every point that Luke has made in his analysis, but think needing a designer needs to be thought about more seriously. And at the same time:

I’m supportive of this proposal.

Regarding this, we have $1.24m allocated to Payroll and will be 12 full-timers in a week. (3 non-devs, 9 devs). That comes out to an average of ~$103,333