AGP discussion: Aragon Network Budget

Measuring a budget in DAI/USD implies that ANT is not valuable. This implies that we want people to earn fiat from Aragon’s treasury vs working as a team with incentive aligned “equity type” compensation. The whole point of compensating contributors with ANT is that it is not a stable asset. It’s value fluctuates, and that incentivizes ANT holders to drive value to ANT. A stable asset does not align incentives!

This is the most crucial decision of any project’s budgeting. It’s the foundation everything else is built on top of. We need to denominate our budget in ANT. We need to calculate our burn rate in ANT. Our ANV/annual budget needs to be based on the ANT burn rate. Considering that the title of this thread is “Annual budget for the Aragon Network,” I think this is incredibly on topic.