3rd Party Documentation (and incentives for community contributions)

Hey. So… after some reflection it’s dawned on me that I was being a bit of an asshat here. I’m quite salty when it comes to “community rewards” type things. It’s my biggest frustration with open source and humanity in general. I’m also salty about the AGP snafu and I think that spilled over here too.

Anyways, you were right in that it’s not that hard to create an Issue or submit a PR to hack.aragon. The frustrating part is that some people get paid to do that stuff, but some people don’t. There needs to be better mechanisms to reward and recognize community contributions. We’re starting work on that via the CRDAO. Hopefully that’s a step in the right direction to incentivize and recognize contributions to things like docs, AGPs, and other things that are essential to the community, but don’t fit nicely into bounties or salaried positions. If you have any other ideas on things that would help in this direction that would be awesome.